Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I love the Island sun but I still protect my eyes from UV rays. 
Every kitty loves a nice sunny spot.
It is always sunny on Kitten Head Island!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Going Green

I love my greens. Are you getting your daily fruits and veggies?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

 Some R&R is always appreciated.
It is not easy being a kitty.
I work so hard during the week!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome to your new home!

Welcome to Kitten Head Island. I have been waiting for you!

My name is J. Sebastian Kraus but you can call me Sebastian or just Seba. I look forward to having you visit my island - Kitten Head Island. It is a place like no other.

In my journeys, I saw many places but fate would have it that I arrive at Kitten Head Island. I was very young then- actually I am still young although sometimes I feel I am getting old older (don't we all?) 

Every day is an adventure on the island. I like it!!!